
Keyri Supabase Integration Guide

Incorporating Keyri QR login into your Supabase-based authentication system is a matter of sending the user's refreshToken from your mobile app to your web app via the Keyri mobile SDK and web Widget. On the mobile side, just load the refreshToken string as the payload into the Keyri method you're using in your app. On the web side, extract the refreshToken string from the payload that the Widget outputs and load it into the setSession method provided by the Supabase JS SDK. The following example code walks through how to do this with a React-based web app and a Flutter mobile app.

Usage notes:

  1. You must first have a Keyri account with a service registered under the domain name on which you will be showing the login QR code. Register in the Keyri Dashboard (opens in a new tab) and create a service for the domain(s) you will deploy.

  2. Your user must already be registered in your Supabase auth system

  3. Your user must already be logged in on your mobile app (the refreshToken must be available and valid for a logged-in session)


Here's a video walking you through how to incorporate the Keyri Widget into your web app:

Source code for an example web app can be found here: (opens in a new tab).

The live demo is here: (opens in a new tab)

Example JSX:

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { supabase } from '../utils/supabaseClient';
export default function Auth() {
  // Listen for events emitted by the Keyri Widget and trigger the signup function once
  // the payload comes in
  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('message', async (evt) => {
      if ( && &&
        document.location.origin == evt.origin
      ) {
        const { data } = evt;
        if (!data.error) {
          let refresh_token = JSON.parse(;
          await handleQrLogin(refresh_token);
        } else if (data.error) {
          console.log(`Keyri error: ${data.message}`);
  }, []);
  // The QR login function uses the refreshToken from the payload in the setSession
  // Supabase JS SDK method
  const handleQrLogin = async (refresh_token) => {
    try {
      const { session, error } = await supabase.auth.setSession(refresh_token);
      if (error) throw error;
    } catch (error) {
      alert(error.error_description || error.message);
  // This is how the Keyri QR Widget is rendered on your webpage. Be sure to include the
  // Widget HTML file somewhere on the same server as your web app
  return (
    <div className='keyriQR'>
        style={{ border: 'solid 5px white' }}

Mobile (Flutter Example)

The following example walks you through how to integrate Keyri into a Flutter app.

This Flutter example shows how to extract the refreshToken provided by Supabase in your app and send it to the web Widget via the Keyri SDK. The basic flow is:

  1. Make a request to Supabase to authenticate the user

  2. Parse the response to extract the token

  3. Authenticate using Keyri

    1. Below, we show how to utilize the EasyKeyriAuth function, which takes the user through scanning the code, creating the session, displaying the confirmation screen, and finalizing the payload transmission

    2. Alternatively, intermediate functions in the Keyri SDK, discussed in the mobile docs, can provide control over displaying a custom QR Scanner and/or Confirmation screen

// Sign in user with email and password
// Alternatively one can utilize the Supabase API to accomplish the same thing
final response = await client.auth.signIn(email: 'email', password: 'password');
if (response.error != null) {
  // Error
    print('Error: ${response.error?.message}');
} else {
    // Success
    final session =;
    // This is the payload that needs to be send through Keyri
    final refreshToken = session.refreshToken
    // EasyKeyriAuth guides the user through scanning and parsing the QR, confirming the session, and configuring the payload
    // One can also use the initiateQRSession method to use the Keyri Scanner with a custom Confirmation screen
    // Or the ProcessLink method if you have your own scanner or are using deep linking
    await keyri
        .easyKeyriAuth('{"refreshToken":"$refreshToken"}', email)
        .then((authResult) => _onAuthResult(authResult))
        .catchError((error, stackTrace) => _onError(error));