Getting Started

Get Started with Keyri Fraud Prevention

First, create a service on the Keyri dashboard and get your API key and encryption key pair from the "Setup & Credentials" page. Also note your App Key if you want to implement fraud prevention in a native mobile app.

Look through the fraud prevention logs page to see what kind of data is made available to you. You can double-click on an event log to see full details.

Now proceed to the web app setup or the mobile app setup pages to get started with integration.


Get device fingerprint data

Use the Keyri SDKs (on native mobile apps) or JavaScript library (on web apps) to get device fingerprint data in your client application.

Send device fingerprint data to your server

Add the device fingerprint data to your client app's normal request payload. For example, if you want to analyze the risk of a login event, add the device fingerprint data to the login request.

Send the data to Keyri

Add details about the event, such as the event type, user ID, and any metadata you want to include, and send it to Keyri's API.

Keyri returns risk details

The Keyri API returns risk details about the event, including the overall risk determination, device information, user history information, etc. Parse the object and use the risk determination to make a decision about the event.